In the light of the changing focus from a training culture to a culture of learning across organizations, the widening learning gaps due to technology disruption, and changing customer and market preferences, companies are looking for their learning content to be developed with learners’ needs and environment at the center. The idea is to empower employees or users with highly customized and personalized learning content to effectively facilitate continuous learning . This has created the need for content that is self-paced and one that can be readily integrated with the learner’s  environment-giving the control of learning to the trainee instead of the trainer. 

We at TechTalks strongly believe that future learning experiences will be highly user-centric,  characterized by personalization and localization. This is precisely why our content offerings take into account multiple user persona, their specific information requirements, and every probable scenario and use case which your user can easily identify with when we design our learning content. We possess capabilities to develop and deliver immersive content to provide your end users or employees with actionable content empowering them to efficiently produce desired outcomes across key organizational functions such as service, support, operations or production. .

TechTalks understands that for any learning strategy to be effective it is imperative to address the key elements of your learning environment- the workforce, the workplace and the nature of work. This profound understanding of your learners and learner environment prompts us to create learning experiences that promise maximum learning outcomes for your organization. Thus you can have learning content in the form of an interactive, role based step by step guide for your service personnel on the shop floor /on field, or a video explaining the SOP of a complex assembly for your production personnel or an interactive configuration or setup guide for your operations personnel describing the installation of an enterprise application. 

At TechTalks our expertise in emerging tools and technologies enables us to develop diverse learning content in the form of interactive digital SOPs, videos, PDF and Apps which can be deployed as training content for up-skilling, re-skilling and cross-skilling your employees.