A wide range of content authoring and content publishing tools are available in the market. They cater to the unique information requirements of businesses at different scales. We at TechTalks have developed a keen eye for these tools and technologies. We look at these technologies as a medium to efficiently accomplish business objectives. We believe there isn’t an authoring or publishing tool which should take more than 7 days to get acquainted with, to deliver the expected or desired outcome. At TechTalks, we offer consulting on the choice of authoring & publishing tools based on the audience’s needs, product complexities, the company’s scale and scalability and information or content complexities. The need for interactivity and customization also influences the decision to opt for a particular tool or technology.

Each tool delivers a peculiar flavor to the content output and we at TechTalks are conversant with the content style guides, the standards and the related processes through our profound experience working with these tools. Our expertise in DITA tools, a single source, and topic based structured authoring, and publishing environment compliant with multiple web browsers and content management systems enables us to deliver outputs in various formats.

We have the techno-functional capabilities to create deliverables like Technical Manuals, Videos, Interactive content, Learning content and deliver services like content digitization and content migration using the right tools and technologies.